MVVM Light Toolkit Example on Windows Phone 7: Twitter Search

I wrote this example in conjunction with the lightning talk I gave at SHDH #40 on MVVM for Noobs, and I thought that developers who are new to developing in Silverlight or for Windows Phone 7 might benefit from it.

One of the major issues I had in moving from ASP.NET MVC to MVVM in Windows Phone 7 was learning how to let go and let Silverlight do a lot of the heavy lifting for me, particularly in the area of data binding and managing the life cycles of your business objects.

Please take a look at the attached source – I’ll be writing up a follow-up post with some specific learnings in the near future.

mvvm wp7 twitter (471.88 kb)

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I'm the CTO and founder of Petabridge, where I'm making distributed programming for .NET developers easy by working on Akka.NET, Phobos, and more..