- NDC Oslo 2023: High Optionality Programming: Architectural Choices That Mitigate Technical Debt
- NDC Oslo 2023: .NET Systems Programming Learned the Hard Way
- NDC Oslo 2022: Death to Latency: Building Reactive, Cloud Native Apps with Akka.NET
- Techorama Netherlands 2022: .NET Systems Programming Learned the Hard Way
- JetBrains TV: JetBrains Connect, Ep. 2 – “Open Source Sustainability” with Aaron Stannard and Rachel Appel, January 11th, YouTube
- dotNET: On .NET Live - Deploying Akka.NET to Containers and Kubernetes, January 14th, YouTube
- The Register: “When software depends on a project thanklessly maintained by a random guy in Nebraska, is open source sustainable?”, May 10th, Online News Publication
- The 6 Figure Developer: Episode 135: Akka.NET with Aaron Stannard, March 16th podcast
- No Dogma Podcast: #142 Aaron Stannard, Sustainable Open Source Software, May 11th, podcast
- Los Angeles Developers: The Coming Open Source Sustainability Crisis (Aaron Stannard), August 3rd, Meetup
- Devchat.tv Episode Roundup: .NET 035: Performant Applications using the Actor Pattern & Akka.NET with Aaron Stannard, August 25th, podcast
- The Maintainers: Aaron Stannard and the Akka.NET Project, October 5th, YouTube
- .NET Rocks: Episode 1714 The Microsoft Open Source Sandbox with Aaron Stannard, November 19th, podcast
- DOTNEXT: Aaron Stannard — When and how to use the actor model: An introduction to Akka.NET actors
- DOTNEXT: Aaron Stannard, Sergey Bykov — Panel debate: Akka.NET or Orleans? Ask their architects!
- NDC Conferences: Distributed Tracing: How the Pros Debug Concurrent and Distributed Systems - Aaron Stannard, April 3rd London
- NDC Conferences: Real-Time, Distributed Applications w/ Akka.NET, Kubernetes, .NET Core, and Azure Kubernetes Service, 7/5/2019, Oslo
- .NET Conf: When and How to Use the Actor Model An Introduction to Akka NET Actors, October 4th, YouTube
- dotNET: Building distributed applications with Akka.NET, April 2nd, YouTube
- Qcon: InfoQ Brasil: Distributed Tracing: How the Pros Debug Concurrent and Distributed Systems - Aaron Stannard, July 26th, QCon
- .NET Rocks: More Akka.NET with Aaron Stannard
- J On The Beach, Aaron Stannard - CEO of Petabridge interview at JOTB17, June 5th, YouTube
- J On The Beach: Akka.NET: The Future of Distributed Programming in .NET - Aaron Stannard - JOTB17, June 8th, Spain
- NDC Conferences: Akka.NET: The Future of Distributed Programming in .NET - Aaron Stannard, August 31st, 2016
- Away From The Keyboard: Episode 42: Getting Back Up With Aaron Stannard, June 8th podcast
- PlanetCassandra: Petabridge: The New NET Enterprise Stack Akka NET Cassandra and Windows Azure, March 14th, YouTube
- dotNET: On .NET 2/12/2016 - Aaron Stannard
- Cassandra Summit 2015: The New NET Enterprise Stack Akka NET Cassandra and Windows Azure (slides) - September, 2015, Santa Clara, CA
- .NET Rocks: Akka.NET V1 with Aaron Stannard - May 5th, Podcast
- Hanselminutes: Inside the Akka.NET open source project and the Actor Model with Aaron Stannard - April 23rd, Podcast
- .NET Fringe: Akka.NET: The Future of Distributed Programming in .NET - Aaron Stannard - April 13, Portland, OR
- Cassandra Day Los Angeles - Using DataStax Enterprise and Actor Systems for Fault Tolerant, Reliable Systems (poor audio quality) (slides) - February 8th, Los Angeles
- Cassandra Summit 2013 - Real-time Analytics with Cassandra, Hive, Solr - June 23rd, San Francisco