BlogEngine.NET Extension - Remind Your Readers to Subscribe to Your RSS Feed with SubscribeRemind
One of my favorite WordPress plugins dating all the way back to when I first started blogging is Subscribe-Remind (WordPress) - it simply appends a small RSS subscription reminder to the footer of every blog entry for your readers! The reminder reads something like this:
If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!
Simple enough, right? I've made a port of this popular WordPress plugin for BlogEngine.NET, SubscribeRemind, which does exactly the same thing as its WordPress counter part. It appends a small subscription reminder at the footer of every blog post using the RSS feed specified through the BlogEngine.NET settings.
If you're using an alternate RSS address (i.e. FeedBurner), the extension will automatically use that one as the target - it uses whatever RSS feed target you've specified in your BlogEngine.NET settings.
I've found that adding an RSS susbscription reminder at the footer of all of my blog entries has historically increased my total number of subscribers, so I highly recommend that you add this Extension to your blog!
Download: (1.66 kb)
UPDATE for 2.0: (1.65 kb)
Customizing the Reminder
You can change the reminder call to action yourself using the BlogEngine.NET extensions manager. Simply go to the Extensions page and click on the "edit" button for SubscribeRemind's settings:
If you want to change the reminder call to action / message that appears at the bottom of every blog post, you can simply modify the value shown below:
Hit the update button after you've made your changes and placed the [link] [/link] tags around your desired anchor text.
The instructions included with the ExtensionsManager are straight-forward.
Download: (1.66 kb)
UPDATE for 2.0: (1.65 kb)
If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments about SubscribeRemind, please leave them below and I'll answer them as soon as I can.