What Do You Need to Become an Elite Developer?

MarkedUp Analytics’s customers are developers and so are most of the people who work at the company, so I spend a lot of time thinking about and refining my answers to the following two questions:

I’m sure every company says this, but in our case it’s true: we need elite developers in order to solve our customer’s problems.

MarkedUp builds distributed systems that integrate into native third-party applications, written by our customers, on multiple platforms and use machine learning to create insights in as short a time-frame as possible, a task that’s many orders of magnitude more challenging than your average iPhone or web application.

There are companies like DataStax or Liquid Robotics that have to deal with radically harder problems than ours, and I’m amazed by their ability to attract really great engineering talent. So this problem is solvable, but how do I identify elite developers who are going to be able to contribute to the business and tackle these challenges?

I’m still figuring it out, and I’ve made some big mistakes along the way thus far. But I’ve had some successes in attracting great engineering talent to our company too. Here’s my opinion on what makes a software developer elite (your mileage may vary!)


An elite developer is determined more by their character, attitude, intellect, and diligence more than anything else. Knowing any specific framework, programming language, design pattern, development platform, and so forth isn’t nearly as relevant.

So what character traits does an elite developer have?

Humility – the best developers I’ve worked with know that they are talented but don’t know just how good they are relative to their peers. Even if they did know, it wouldn’t change their attitude. They do the best job that they can and do it knowing that their work isn’t perfect; contains bugs; might not completely meet the spec; and might be changed in the future.

Able to accept criticism – part and parcel with humility is the ability to accept criticism, whether it comes from a peer, a customer, a manager, or anyone else. Whenever you do anything of consequence you should expect criticism from some corner of the universe. Elite developers not only accept it, but they listen to it and try to distill actionable insights if possible.

Doesn’t let good be the enemy of perfect – a lot of talented developers struggle with perfectionism, myself included; over time the great ones learn to live with impurities and get software deployed to production while the perfectionists piss time away on remote edge cases and other activities with no economic value.

Inquisitive – some of our interview questions at MarkedUp are live-coding exercises, and here’s a little secret: we really don’t care very much about the quality of the code produced by a candidate during an interview.

But we care a lot about the questions a candidate asks about the programming challenge.

If a candidate starts coding right away without asking us any questions about the scope of the challenge or the technical details, it’s usually an instant fail. Inquisitive developers do a much better job of learning how their code fits inside a larger system and learning about the real-world use cases for it.

Independent learners – the developers who’ve delivered the most value for me are ones who constantly want to learn and improve their skill set; they ask if they can pair-program with me while I work on our API or on the SDK; independently review some of our code and create JIRA issues for me when they find bugs with my own code (!); they buy O’Reilly books on some of the technologies we use, like Hive and Hadoop, and read them over lunch; and they ask if they can leave work early to attend a tech talk or even give one themselves (!).

Everyone needs help along the way, but the truly great developers are the ones who learn for the sake of learning and the satisfaction of self-improvement. It’s humbling to work with this type of developer, because typically they get other members of the team excited about learning too and turn this into a group activity.

Able to break down large projects into small tasks – people don’t launch rockets or build massive systems by setting out to do everything all at once; they break down massive projects into smaller milestones and small, fine-grained tasks. Really strong developers have the ability to visualize the end in mind and the steps for getting there. It’s an essential skill for an architect of any sort.

Able to visualize relationships between abstractions – part and parcel with the previous point, really great developers have the ability to visualize relationships between abstractions in the systems they work with and build. This can be as simple as being able to see how services interact with each-other in the course of fulfilling an end-user’s request or how classes should be composed inside any given system. This allows a developer to work on a small part of a really large system and understand how their work will integrate with components that aren’t finished or haven’t been started yet.

Embraces challenges – great developers can operate outside their comfort zone, even if it means failing initially. Challenges are viewed as an opportunity to learn and improve, not as a threat to appearance and performance.

Focuses on immediate results – sticking with the previous analogy about launching rockets, great developers break up their work into small deliverables and ship small pieces immediately and frequently into a development branch. They don’t hoard commits or wait until “it’s done.” They ship small deliverables often.


The traits above are the most important ingredients of a great developer, but there are learned and acquired behaviors that every developer must develop before they can become elite.

Unconsciously, religiously commits everything source control – the greatest sin you can commit as a developer is failing to put something into source control before you deploy it. Most companies try to automate deployment in such a way that it’s impossible for deployment to occur without source control involvement, but this isn’t always feasible. Little things like shell scripts, SQL queries, configuration files, and others often fall between the cracks since they aren’t considered part of “the app.”

However, a great developer is religious in their use of source control – anything that gets used in the course of regular business, even a one-off business intelligence script, finds its way into source control when an elite developer is behind the wheel. They rack up pull requests and HipChat spam with religious fervor, because they live in perpetual fear of being the stupid asshole who forced someone else to reverse-engineer a critical backup / restore script during an emergency.

They master their source control system, make liberal use of feature branches and version tags, and clean up after themselves once a feature goes into production. Source control is as natural to them as breathing.

Writes README files, comments, and docs even for internal tools – I tell every developer this when they start at MarkedUp “your code will be a part of this organization longer than you will.” The point of that is that people change careers, companies, and jobs frequently – so when we write a piece of code that does something important, we need to make it possible for someone else to use and modify it without us present to answer questions.

Great developers recognize this and make it easy for other developers to leverage their work, during and after their time on the job.

Embraces bug tracking and agile processes – organizing your work is just as important as performing it, and bug tracking / agile tools like Pivotal Tracker and JIRA enable teams to prioritize and distribute workloads across large projects.

But more importantly, they allow PMs and peers to see what work has been completed / performed without having to hold numerous meetings or calls. Bug tracking, pull requests, and agile boards are communication tools – and great developers embrace them for efficacy in measuring, quantifying, and communicating progress.

Masters debugging, tracing, and monitoring methods – just because the code is in production doesn’t mean it’s finished. Great developers master the tools they use for debugging, logging, tracing, and monitoring apps that are in production or are about to be.

In the .NET universe, this means mastering the Visual Studio debugger, Fiddler, IntelliTrace, the Windows Event Viewer, performance counters, and others. In the OSS world this might mean performance monitoring tools like Graphite and Nagios, or others.

Great developers understand the necessity of these tools and master them, which enables them to respond more quickly to infrastructure failures and bugs.

Communicates concisely and asks relevant questions – most developers are not social butterflies; like any STEM field, it’s often populated with introverted people who like to spend most of their working hours concentrating on issues at-hand.

However, the elite developers are ones who recognize what needs and doesn’t need to be communicated – if there’s something contradictory in a customer spec, it needs to be raised with the stakeholder. If someone broke convention and used camel case instead of PASCAL, just go fix it and send the offender a note, not the entire team alias.

Engages other developers on the team – programming is a team sport, and elite developers love working with other people whom they can help and who can help them. They ask for and solicit help when necessary.

Programming Skills

Now for the programming part – what skills does a programmer need to have before he or she can be considered elite? This is subjective and sometimes domain-specific, but there’s my take.

Experience with multiple languages and platforms – diverse taste in tools is the greatest skill that a developer can have, because it keeps the developer on a position where they know how to learn new things if necessary (and it often is!)

Being a one-trick pony and limiting yourself to a single platform will naturally limit your ability to grow and learn, so great developers try their hands at new things even if it’s just for fun.

Understands language / framework implementations – the most powerful .NET developers I met prior to joining Microsoft all highly recommended that I read this book: CLR via C#. I did, and the content from this book was directly responsible for passing my technical interview at Microsoft. Above that, it’s changed the way I look at all of my .NET code.

Understanding your how code is executed at the OS or hardware level can provide some huge benefits, especially if you’re doing a lot of work with concurrency or native programming. For instance, understanding how SQL Server’s row / table locking algorithms and its journaling system work allow you to design around potential performance bottlenecks in high-performance systems. Great developers learn these implementation details and leverage that knowledge to write more robust code.

Writes code for patterns, not specific instances – it’s an intuitive skill that can’t really be learned, in my opinion. You either have it or you don’t. Really talented developers infer the patterns in a system, even before a module or a piece of code is written and they code for those patterns, rather than specific instances. This skill limits technical debt and results in a tighter, more usable codebase.

Knows how to learn – this might seem obvious, but I’ll reiterate: there are a lot of developers who simply do not know how to learn something new. They can ape examples they’ve seen before and often need to be hand-held along the way, and they can’t truly internalize a new concept and form the muscle memory to code independently with new technologies.

Great developers know their mind and know how to teach it something new – what works for one developer may not work for another, but nonetheless they all know how ot learn.

Has experience with multiple types of software (native, distributed, web, etc…) – a great developer is a well-rounded developer; if your only experience doing software development is with simple CRUD applications, then you’re missing out on a lot of the corpus of modern software development. A great developer isn’t necessarily an adept professional in each domain area of programming – they might focus primarily on web development and dabble in native, but they take away new lessons from each experience and understand more about computing overall.

Until I wrote the MarkedUp SDK, I never had any practical experience with advanced data structures in production like concurrent binary heaps and circular buffers; I likely would never have encountered those had I stuck to doing just ASP.NET MVC or Node.JS development all the time. Now that I have that experience, who knows – I might find some applications for those in a distributed program or a Web API application in the future.

Experience with multiple types of development tools (IDEs, Text Editors, command line compilers, and more) – I have some bad news: if you’re an EMACS ONLY or VS2012 ONLY developer, you’re limiting yourself. Experience with multiple types of development tools is a good thing, because great developers recognize that improving your workflow habits over time is just as important as improving your programming knowledge and experience.

The right tool for the job will often be different – Visual Studio, for instance, is a fantastic tool for when I’m debugging C# or C++ but I much prefer Google Chrome developer tools and Fiddler for debugging JavaScript.

Some sysadmin / operational knowledge – writing the code is only the first step; deploying it or releasing it comes next. Great developers are not often expert system administrators also, but they know enough about their operating environment to avoid pitfalls and execute a basic deployment if necessary.

Knowing how to run a build / release process, deploy a piece of server software to production, or how to configure a piece of COTS software like Apache or IIS to host a web application is critical to ensuring that the software actually meets its functional requirements. If you aren’t able to produce a development build of a native app using compiler flags, then you can’t very well participate in that part of the QA process, can you?

The point is – great developers don’t wait for someone else to solve their problems; they can do enough sysadmin work to build and test on their local environment, and are self-aware enough to not proceed any further if they don’t know enough to run a live deployment.

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I'm the CTO and founder of Petabridge, where I'm making distributed programming for .NET developers easy by working on Akka.NET, Phobos, and more..