I had several friends and advisors review this post prior to publishing it; most encouraged me to go forward with publishing it but others cautioned that future investors / business partners may choose to pass on a deal with me due to the content below. I took time to consider...
Real-time Marketing Automation with Distributed Actor Systems and Akka.NET
I published a lengthy post on MarkedUp’s blog yesterday about the new product we recently released, MarkedUp In-app Marketing Automation for Windows Desktop (with support for Windows Store, Windows Phone, iOS, and Android planned) and how it uses Akka.NET’s distributed actor system to execute real-time marketing automation...
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The Profound Weakness of the .NET OSS Ecosystem
I’m in the process of writing up a lengthy set of blog posts for MarkedUp about the work that went into developing MarkedUp In-app Marketing, our real-time marketing automation and messaging solution for Windows desktop applications (and eventually WP8, WinRT, iOS, Android, Web, etc…)
During the course of bringing...
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Business to Business Services Are What Will Make Dogecoin Succeed
Following on from my previous post about the second / third generation cryptocurrencies advancing the start of the art, I’ve spent...
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Bitcoin Paved the Way, but it’s Not the Future of Cryptocurrency
Until recently, I was extremely skeptical of cryptocurrency in general. In the midst of the investment speculation and mania in late 2013,...
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The Taxonomy of Terrible Programmers
The MarkedUp Analytics team had some fun over the past couple of weeks sharing horror stories about software atrocities and the real-life inspirations for the things you read on The Daily WTF. In particular, we talked about bad apples who joined our development teams over the years and...
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Win32 Errors: How to Format GetLastError() Output into Readable Strings
I’ve been doing a moderate amount of native Win32 C++ programming over the past few weeks, and occasionally I’ve needed to set up some debug points to print errors that occur during file and memory I/O.
When something goes wrong inside the Win32 API, some methods will return a...
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You Succeed Once You Stop Giving a Shit
This post is about how to find success in any situation and draws entirely from my own experiences. Your mileage may vary.
July was a rough month for me this year – I endured simultaneous failure on all fronts. I had put on a shitload of weight, ended...
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Being Right is Always the Wrong Choice
It was about four or five years ago that I had an intrinsic need to be “right” all the time.
I couldn’t let it go when someone made a mistake, or slighted me, or disputed the quality / direction of my work. Everyone else was wrong. I wasn’t alone in...